Material Description
ABS 3D printing material is a popular choice for many 3D printing projects. This thermoplastic filament offers a great combination of strength, flexibility, and affordability that makes it an attractive option for numerous applications. ABS plastic is the most widely used thermoplastic polymer in the world and has been used for decades in everything from LEGO bricks to electronic housings.
The key advantages of using ABS as a 3D printing material are its durability, cost, heat resistance, and light weight. It also offers good formability so not only can it be moulded into complex shapes but if post-processing is required then it can be sanded or painted easily. ABS’s excellent mechanical properties make it ideal for use in industrial parts that require frequent use or exposure to extreme temperatures and weather conditions.
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The maximum physical stress the material can handle before breaking
Shows how flexible the material is and how much it can bend without breaking
Shows the combination of heat, fatigue, liquid, UV and chemical resistance.
Compare average material costs with other materials.
Temperature Resistance
The temperature when the material begins to deform and lose shape.
This chart is based off average figures of the material type, different branded materials and colours will vary.
For more accurate data, please contact us.